Monday, July 13, 2009

Where have I been???

Well maybe you guys are wondering where I have been these last few months...Trying to keep up with my boys is where I have been...Wow what a job I have...Julien is now 8 months and he is all over the place crawling and climbing and getting into everything...Finally I am able to sit and relax for 5 minutes to jot down a quick post...Hmmm....Updates: My sister in law had a beautiful baby girl named Alicia born on June 26th...Shes beautiful...Oh the most recent thing...We came home Saturday night from visiting my parents all day in Illinois...I went to go by the front door to put the fan by it to get some air circulating in the house and what do i see staring me in the eyes??? Only the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life...This thing was about 2" long and about 1/2"-1" thick...Huge, dark and scary of course...To top that off when my husband went to stomp it a million little babies scattered off of it...Then we had about 100 of these mutant spiders crawling on the floor...Good thing he has pretty big feet to kill a bunch with each stomp of his foot...Scary, scary, scary! Hopefully that is one of those things that you only see one of in your lifetime...Hmmm...My garden is doing great...I picked the green beans today and I will be having squash and zuccini in about 3-5 days I think...Cherry tomatoes are looking about ready as well...Next will be the lovely canning days...I dread that but I love the finished product...This summer I also plan to have a yard sale if I can ever get everything together...We have pretty low on money again...Hmmm...My dad lost his job today after more 15 years being there...I feel bad for him...Hes only about 43 though so he can get a new one im sure...What else.....Oh my home has termites...Yea thats great I know...They are coming out of our ceilings so the termite man will be here in a few days to treat that...Well I think thats about it...Other than all that I have been pretty much enjoying the summer if thats what you want to call it...I have been to the beach twice this year...I loved that...Hoepfully I will get a few more days in there before summer is over...Well I think I will end it all there...I have to go get dinner ready...Tacos, rice and chips and guacamole...YUMMMM....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

~Thankful Thursday~

Well It is time again for another Thankful Thursday. This thursday I am especially thankful for my kids. They are such great kids.
Dakota is my 3 year old. He is definately a handful 99% of the time but he is sweet when it gets down to the point. If you are sad he knows it and he will stay by your side the whole day. If you are mad he sees just how far he can push your buttons. LOL. If you are happy he sees how far he can go with getting with away with things since mommy is in a good mood LOL. The last thing he did was he got into the red hairspray stuff and got it everywhere in the bathroom LOL. He is also very smart. He knows his ABC's, counts to 20, knows his shapes, colors, he can color in the lines very good, he write a few letters, he can recognize a few letters, he can recognize his name in a sentence. He is amazing. He loves nursery rhymes and anything with Mother Goose. He loves to watch George Lopez and Fresh Prince. LOL.
Julien is 6 months now. I cant believe how fast those 6 months have gone by. It is very sad for me. I feel like I havent even got to spend much time with him for some reason although Im home with him all day. I guess maybe because I have another child to focus on also and not just him. He is great also. He smiles and laughs so much. He has the biggest dimples. He loves to jump/bounce. Now he has recently started dancing when he hears music. He kinda shakes his butt and moves his legs around. Its so cute. He has been getting up on his hands and knees like he wants to crawl. He dont sit up by his self yet though. He still hasnt popped that first tooth in yet. I know hes been teething for a while now though. He likes to go for walks. He dont like to just sit around. He has to always be doing something. He loves the Baby Einstein movies. He has the Baby Motzart one. We also watch other ones on YOUTUBE. He loves the rubix cube. LOL. Everytime my husband is trying to solve it Julien reaches for it. I think its all the different colors. He loves his baby food. He has recently went from eating 1/2 jar at a time to a now a while jar. The only ones he wont eat are green beans and the meat with gravy ones like turkey and gravy. Other than those he loves them all. I think he especially likes corn and peas. He likes to NOT wear a diaper LOL. When I take his diaper off he flips right over like hes gonna make a run for it LOL. Hes so funny.
Well the reason I am so thankful for my kids is because they truely make my day so amazing everyday. I do not know where I would be with out them. I have completely changed my life around for them. I used to be a partier and drink a lot and do other things I am not proud of. Once I decided I want to have children I stopped it all and we began trying. I ended up pregnant with my first and threw all my old days behind me. No more partying , smoke, drinking, etc. The way I see it I want to raise my children sober and not intoxicated. If you have to be intoxicated to take care of your kids then maybe parenthood wasnt cut out for you. So truely I do not know where I would be without my kids. They are the light of my life. I love my babies!!!

@~,'~Happy Birthday Sexy!!!

HAHAHA Today is my husbands 24th Birthday!!!!! Happy Birthday Baby Cakes!!!!! I cant for him to get home from work so I can hear all about his day at work today. At his job they completely terrorize your car on your birthday. They completely wrap it in plastic wrap and they put shaving cream all over it. He left early so he could try to find a hiding spot for his car. LOL. Hes silly. They also give him balloons, candy, and birthday cards. I hope they find his car LOL.

aahhh My poor computer....

About 2 weeks ago my beautiful laptop was dropped and broken by the husband. He was drinking with his cousin and a friend and they were playing beer pong and he apparently had too much to drink. He was getting up to show his cousin something on the computer and he tripped and dropped the computer. The back of the screen hit the corner of the coffee table and cracked the stuff inside the screen. So only about 2/3 of the screen on my laptop is working now. I am not very happy about that. LOL. So that is why I havent had very many posts because its kinda hard to see what you are doing since the screen is so messed up. The other day I got sent to a porn page because I apparently typed in the wrong thing for what I was trying to go to. So I am kinda a lil scared to use the computer when it is like this. I think my inlaws are getting a new screen though for my husband birthday. We'll see though. Anyhow that is why I havent had very many posts in a while.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Im a 24 year old Granny!

LOL! Our hamsters had babies. 7 of them. Of course I do not know the sex yet but they are so cute! They are so bald and pink..I wonder what they will look like when they get their fur. Im happy about it. Everyone that I told was like "what will you do with so many hamsters, you better finds them homes so you dont end up with more"...I think I will keep them. Hamsters are not expensive at all to take care of since they dont eat much and the bedding lasts forever. And since they are dwarf hamsters they do not smell AT ALL. If you have regular hamsters you know they start to smell after about a day or 2. Well I dont have to change these ones but 1 time every 2 weeks. They bedding stays pretty dry besides in the one corner where they use the bathroom at. I clean that part out every few days and its just a handful of bedding so its quick and easy to do. Anyways they just do not stink at all. So I think i will keep them and seperate the boys from the girls so i dont have to have buy new cages every few weeks lol. I am going to look on freecycle and see if there are any cages on there so I dont have to buy any because we dont have the money to do that right now. Well i just wanted to let everyone know that I now have baby hamsters!

~Thankful Thursday~

Well I feel like I just posted last weeks Thankful Thursday like yesterday...LOL...Anyways, this weeks Thankful Thursday will be about my husband! I know some of you are, who needs em'? Well I say I do! My husband is a great guy. Really he is. I mean I know I belittle him sometimes and I may not think he is so smart sometimes but really he is amazing. He works and works as much as he has to to make sure his kids are well taken care of. He is going to be laid off of work in June and he litterally cried about it to me. Tears and all because he is terrified that something will happen in those weeks where we will need the money and it will not be there. For some reason my baskets stopped selling. They were selling like hotcakes for a while there but im guessing that was because of Easter. But who knows. Anyways, he is so worried about this as am I. So he has decided to try to get a 2nd job. I dont think it will happen in the time that we need it to but we will see. But anyways. He is the type of person that will rub my back the second I get in to bed until the time I finally fall asleep. He always consults me before making any decisions. He cooks on his days off without me asking him to. He cleans without me asking him to. He is just Heaven sent most days. So this Thursday I am thankful for my husband Brandon!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Earth Day work...

Well we went outside for about an hour a little while ago and we did a little work. We didnt make it but maybe 50 feet down the street because there was a dog running around down there and I am terrified of stray dogs! However we did get a walmart sized bag pretty full of trash that we picked up. My 3 year old was loving it. He likes to touch dirty stuff lol...So here are a few pics of my son doing his part to help OUR Earth!

Good Job Dakota!


So today is Eart Day around the world...What type of things are you doing or planning on doing? Is your community doing anything special?
Well, before I begin outside I need to start on the inside. My house needs a good quick "clean-up" hour. I will go through each room and do a quick walk through and pick up as much as I can. Maybe even do a quick dust job. I definately need to finish my last few loads of laundry. I think thats about for the inside.
Ahhhhh...The great outdoors...I really hope those horses across the street were found last night...So last night were sitting in my living room. My husband and my son were watching Family Guy I think and I was finishing upi my baskets and I kept hearing a loud thumping noise so I told my son to stop banging his feet on the ground. Him and my husband both gave me alook like "what are you tlaking about?". So my husband got up and opened up the door because he said the noise was coming from outside...Well the noise got really loud when he opened the door...After looking around for a minute he realized that the neighbors across the streets horses where flying up and down the street...So he went to their house to tell them...He was pissed when he got back because he said they wouldnt open the door they just stood there staring at him like he was a robber or something...He had to yell through the window on the door "your horses are running in the street again!". Then he left...He said they still didnt open the door...Ignorant...He said he will not tell them next time since they want to be ignorant like that...So then about 10 minutes later they finally drove by and by then the horses had already ran way down the side street by our house...I went to bed about an hour later and I still didnt see them come back with any horses...
So as I was going to say before...I love the great outdoors...Sports, swimming, hiking, fishing, camping, etc...It's all great...Except..............BUGS!!!! I am a firm believer in if I see a spidey he will n ot live to see the next day...Unless its a baby one! Although Im sure they bite just as hard...So today I plan on taking a walk and bringing along a trash bag to pick up all the garbage that I have been noticing on the side of my street. I dont know what people litter. I also plan on starting new seeds since the ones I started a few weeks back are going NOTHING. I think I may have started them a lil too early. So today is peppers, flowers, and tomatos...I will also clean up my yard. Maybe even rake up some twigs while Im at it...Oh and the main thing...All the lights and other electronical things will be turned off and unplugged while I do these things. Well everything except the fridge...Of course...
I do not know if my community is doing anything special today or not..I think a Great Town-Wide Clean-Up would be great for this little town. If at leas one person from each home got together to clean up for just 1 hour this place would be spotless. I live in a VERY SMALL town. LOL.
Well let me know if you have any special plans for today!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

~*Tasty Tuesday*~

Ok tonight we had tacos and I am the type of person that HAS to have a side dish with every dinner...Well there arent many things that go with tacos...I mean I can name a few but there arent as many as other dishes...So anyways...This is my favorite thing to make with tacos...

Mexican Corn:

Things you need;

1 can corn; drained
1 1/2 tblspoon butter
1/4c. chopped onion
1/4c. chopped bell pepper (you can use red or green or both)
1/4 tsp-1/2 tsp black pepper

melt butter in pan over med heat.
add drained corn, onion, and bell peppers
add salt and pepper.
cook and stir until onions brown...

this is a great side dish for any mexican food...We all love it at my home...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

~*Thankful Thursday*~

Well I think a lot in a day! I mainly think about things that I probably shouldnt. But the point is I do think. Today I am thankful for thinking before I speak. Today I was talking to a complete idiot on the phone and he/she said something that I was not happy about and I ALMOST snapped but I figured if I did that I could cause a lot of problems so THANKFULLY I was able to think before I spoke and I let it go and said "oh ok". Of the words that almost came out were more along the lines of "you are a crazy a** person and there is no way I would ever take advice from you"...and some other words in there that I dont feel the need to say. I hate when people put their opinion in tooooooo much where it doesnt belong and I also hate when people try to push off their advice when I do not ask for it...It would be ok if maybe I thought it would help the situation but when they are just trying to cause more problems then no I will not even consider it! So that is what I am thankful for today!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just something for fun...

I found this survey somewhere a while back and I had it saved to my computer for some unknown reason and I just found it so I figured I would put it on here and let you guys know a little more about me...Yes it is quite long but bare with me it might get interresting!

All about me!!!

Name: Corrine
Birthday: 01/30/85
Age: 24
Hometown: Steger Illinois
Where you are now: Indiana
Kids: yes
How many: 2
Names: Dakota and Julien
Married: yes
Name: Brandon
Age: 24
Birthday: 04/30/85
Sign: taurus
Hometown: North Judson Indiana
Kids: yes
How many: 3
Names: Deven, Dakota, and Julien
Are your parents divorced: nope
How many years were they married: will be 25 years on October 2nd
Where did they meet: They lived next to eachother
Siblings: Yes
How many: 3
Names: Jerry Jr, Mary, Dillon

Shoes: flip flops
clothes: blue jeans and a t-shirt
Accessories: purse
Jewelry: bracelets
Food: mexican
Number: 3
Color: pink
Phrase: "A once in a lifetime love don't come twice" -Clay Walker
Place: Beach
Store: Walmart lol
Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
Song: Anything from Billy Currington or T.I.
Tv show: Ellen
Book: A boy called "IT"
Magazine: ummm...People IDK...
Past time: chillin with my kids or crafting something new

How many:
Piercings: now its just my ears :(
Tattoos: 2
Scars: too many
Places you have lived: 7
People you have loved: truely 2
Poeple you have hated: i have learned that hating is not acceptible

First kiss: T.j.
Last kiss: Brandon
First love: C.j.
Last love: Brandon
Makes you laugh most: Dakota or myself
Makes you cry most: Brandon... he dont think before he talks
Could you not live without: I could not live without my kids!

Have you ever:
Sky dived: nope
Bungee Jumped: nope
SKinny dipped: nope
Played ding-dong-ditch: lol yea
Beat someone up: yep
Been beat up: once when i was little i was slapped by like a highschooler and it scared me so i ran so I dont know if that counts...I was like 7
Sang in front of a large audience: yep
Stayed up a whole 24 hours: yep

Did you enjoy this survey? it was interresting...

Wow what a day....TMI

Well my day started off so lovely! My 3 year old kept waking up in the middle of the night with a bellyache so I was up all night rubbing his belly for him...Then around 5:30ish he sat up in the bed and threw up...RIGHT NEXT TO MY HEAD! Thankfully it didnt get on me lol..But it was the worst smelling throw up I have ever smelled in my life...Not that any throw upi smells nice but still...It was horrible...Well of course he was covering his mouth so he had it all over his hands...So we ran to the bathroom and got him all cleaned up and then i cleaned upi my bed and took the blanket outside and got all the excess off and then I threw it in the washer...Its a king size comforter so it JUST fit in there...Im hoping it actually got clean...Ill rewash it anyways to be sure...Well then i get him some crackers and bread to eat and a glass of water...he wont eat the crackers or bread but he finished the water so I gave him a Mylanta tablet...He layed back down and was fine after that. I cooked breakfast at 6 am for myself because for some reason I was starving. I went back to bed after I ate that...Then at about 8:30 my 5 month old woke up for a bottle so I had to get up to get that...Went back to bed after that...Then my husband came in the room at about 9:15 and woke me up when he got in the bed...Then he got back a few minutes later with diarrhea (TMI)...I was still feeling fine I didnt know what was going on with them two...Well my husband leaves for work around 10...Well then at about 11:30 my 5 month old woke up to eat...I sat up to get out of bed and my stomach started turning and rumbling...Sure enough I was sick also...I had to run to the bathroom...Then I got out long enough to get my sons food ready and then right back in i went lol...I was in there about 10 times in the last hour...Thankfully my 3 year old is fine now...Its about 2 pm where Im at in Indiana and he has been fine since he woke at about 11:30...Thankfully...I just want to know what it is that made us all sick like this...I made my chilli last night but I didnt make it any different than I normally do...Other than that the only other thing we all had the same of was a cafeine free pepsi but I dont see why that would make us sick like this...oh well hopefully it wont last....its been about an hour now since i was in the bathroom last so hopefully it has passed...My husband is still at work so he must be fine now too. I am wondering if I bought bad hamburger meat or something...I dont know how I would know though...And I still have a lot left from that hamburger...Everything else all came from a can so I dont think that stuff would be bad...Oh well anyways I just cant believe how bad of a day this has been. I very rarely get sick and I surely never get diarrhea but I think today made up for all that...LOL...Well sorry so all the TMI but I just had to share my horrible day....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My pretty new blog...

I just did this...Let me know what you think!

Just wondering...

Is there something you love to have for dinner? Like something that you would eat night after night after night if you could? I have to say mine would be chilli. There are just so many different ways to make chilli it is unbelievable. LOL. My husband is a chilli king. He can make hot, sweet, plain, spiced, etc. He really knows his stuff when it comes to making chilli. You can also add so many toppings to chilli. Peppers, onions, cheeses, sour cream, crackers, buscuits, corn bread pieces. Its great. We were at TGIFridays one time about a year or 2 ago and they had some amazing White Chicken Chilli. I have no idea how it was made but I do know it was amazing LOL. I have never looked up the recipe but I am thinking of doing that now just to see if I could maybe find a way to make something similar to that. If you have ever had that chilli then you know what I mean. So what is something you love to eat for dinner?

If you are interrested in helping out...

I am trying to step up my game a little here. I am going to start advertising my baskets and pins as much as I can where ever I can to try to get some money saved up for when my husband is layed off. I know that don't give me much time but hopefully I can at least help somewhat. If anyone would be interrested in any of these items please let me know and if you are a follower of my blog I will give a 10% discount on the price of the baskets and 5% discount on the price of the pins. I will also give a 15% discount on the baskets and 7% discount on the pins is you refer someone to me and they pay for their item either before or at the time you do. Again here are a few pictures of a few I have taken pictures of. I can do custom orders for an additional $5.00 per basket. Shipping is always $4.00 each basket and there is always a free gift thrown in. The pins are always $2.00 for shipping and also a free gift will be thrown in with that as well. Please throw me an email at for prices and any other information.

~*Tasty Tuesday*~

Well today is Tasty Tuesday here on my lovely blog! I love doing these things on food. I am the biggest fan of most foods. The funny thing is I weigh about 110-115 lbs. You woud never know that I eat about 4-5 meals a day plus snacks in between. I'm sure it will catch up with me eventually though. Oh well enough about that.
Today I am going to introduce one of my all time favorite snacks that I came up with.

Ham and cheese crackers!
Its definately not what you are probably thinking
Here is how you do it and actually I would think it is pretty healthy for you.

Ham and Cheese Crackers:

Things you will need:
Crackers (I use the Toppers brand, you could also use club, or ritz)
Cream Cheese (I use the vegetable kind from Philadelphia, you could use plain as it taste great also)
Sliced Ham (any kind you like)

spread cream cheese on crackers and top with ham. I usually buy the really thin or shredded ham especially for this. If you dont want to do that then you can just rip your ham into smaller piece to fit the cracker better. These snacks are great and fast.

I really recommend trying this one. I make these all the time and even my husband and my 3 year old love these and my husband is very hard to please when it comes to food. Let me know what you think if you give it a try!

Monday, April 13, 2009

How do I get motivated?

Ahhh!!! I hate cleaning! LOL! Tomorrow I need to get cleaning and get ALL my laundry done and everything put away and cleaned. I havent finished this since we moved in back in February. I feel horrible because everyday my husband comes home and the first thing he does in walk into the bedroom to put his shorts on and he asks why I havent got to the room yet...Well I wish I knew...LOL. I have no motivation to do this! I am so tired all the time and when Im not chasing after the 3 year old I am feeding or changing the 5 month old. They both want my attention all day and when they finally end up taking a nap I just feel like sitting and relaxing for a little while. I am wondering how do you get motivated to deep clean all the time? Please send any tips my way!

~*Movie Monday*~

Hello Hello!!! Tonight was Movie Monday! I was planning on watching Twilight but that fell through since hubby didnt feel like going to get it for me :(...So me and my son watched The Sandlot! If you have any boys you know exactly what Im talking about. LOL. I have loved this movie since I was little! I remember when I was little I liked the Benny kid. LOL. I used to watch it literally everyday! It really is a great movie for a preteen kid who is into baseball and all the boy stuff. My son is only 3 and he loves it. Whenever he watches it he always wants to go out and play ball. Its great! I think I got this movie for maybe $5.00 at Walmart. I highly recommend this movie for little boys and little tomboys! If you don't have it then get it LOL...


So how was everyones' Easter? Mine was good...We went to my husband's grandparents' house...My husbnad had to work all day tough...They did an Easter egg hunt there...My kids didnt come up with much since there were older kids there doing this as well...That actually bothers me...
OK there is a 14 year old cousin who is the only one in her age group besides her sister who is 16. They still let her do all the kiddie games like at birthday parties she does the bozo buckets and things like that and then at Easter she does the egg hunt...I dont think it is fair to the littler ones...The oldest one after her is my step son who is almost 8...She gets out there and has all the kids following her since shes the biggest and she will point out an egg and race to get it and of course she is going to make it there first because she is in track and sports of all types...I just dont think its fair...There are three 3 year olds there and they each only ended up with 3 eggs while she had over step son got 9 or 10 and the 6 year old got 6...then they had a smaller section in the side yard for the even littler ones ...There are two 2 year old and a 8 month old...The two 2 year olds know what they are doing and they know how to walk and get the eggs but the 8 month old dont and his mom still had him out there and she was grabbing the eggs for him...he cant even eat the candy that they had in the eggs...Ugh! IDK...I am just mad because the kids that should have actually been able to have a good time with this were all whinning and crying because they didnt hardly get anything while the baby and the teenager had the most...
On another hand, my ham came out great! I gave my recipe to a few people on and they tried it and they all loved it...One even said that my ham recipe will be part of her family tradition from now on...That is great to hear! LOL
Well today is Movie Monday so I better start thinking of a movie to review. I am thinking I will do that Twilight movie that everyone is raving about. I still haven't seen it yet. LOL. Well stay tuned and see what I come up with later!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

~*Sleepy Sunday*~

Well today was an exception...Easter and I wasnt home all day...I did want to get my laundry done though but I didnt...I am very sleepy though...Probably all the turkey I ate today at the Grandmas house lol...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

So bummed...

I am so pissed and bummed...My husband is gonna be pretty much laid off come the month of June...For about 3 whole weeks...I dont know what we will do since we will not be able to get any money saved by then because my step sons birthday is may 5th and his school fees need to be paid off by May 15th. The the last check there will only be about $100 left over before June. I have been trying to get my baskets selling but for some reason they are not selling as well now as they were when I first started. My pins either for that matter...The good thing is our rent is paid up for the whole year but the rest of our bills arent...I really dont know what to do but i feel the depression slowly settling in...why me?

Saving Saturdays

Today I didnt do any shopping since I went yesterday. My parents came out and we did an early Easter dinner since I wont be able to be with them tomorrow since my husband will be at work all day. It sucks but its ok because we really need the money right now...

Flattering Friday (late)

Well I was out all day yesterday grocery shopping so I wasnt home to do this...
Friday the one thing I found flattering about myself was my complexion. I have Maybeline Mineral Power foundation...a little bit goes a LONG way...litterally 1/8 tsp covers my whole face. Its great. It covers any blemishes. I recommend it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maybe you can help???

Ok so my husband was recently informed that he will be on shut down for about 3 weeks in June...We are terrified because we just got our own place in February and there is no way we will be able to get passed this financially...I am trying to get my baskets and pins to sell to help out...I am asking that if anyone can afford to help and buy one of my baskets or some of my pins please let me know...It will help tremendously! Here are a few pitures of some of the ones I have made before...I can make themin any color with any embellishments...The pink one is a breast cancer theme I recently did for a lady that is giving them as gifts at a walk she is doing...Please email me at:

These IDIOTS!!!

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What a BEAUTIFUL day...

Ahhh....Today was such a beautiful day...In the lower 60's here...Warm enough for a nice walk yet cool enough to not work up a sweat while doing it lol...We were outside until about 3:30 today...from about 11:30...I'd say we got a good share of fresh air...I do wonder exactly how fresh this air will be come hot weather since there are 6 huge horses across the street from me LOL...Well I got about 12 gladiolas planted and 2 packs of different seeds....I still need to get them brought in from the cold though...We took a little walk about 1/2 mile maybe...Got stopped by my sister in laws boyfriend and my brother in law...Talked to them for a little while...Now I'm trying to figure out what we will have for dinner...I'm thinking Hamburger Helper. I love that stuff...I have so many things to do for my "almost sister in law"'s baby shower next month...My printer will be getting a good work out LOL...My mother informed me that I am in charge of the games and handing things out...YAY!! LOL...Oh well, hopefully it will be a great day...Oh this calls for another blog...

!!!!Thankful Thursday!!!!

Today is Thankful Thursday!!! In life there truely are more things to be thankful for than can be counted. Or at least to me there are. I'm going to make a short list of the things I am thankful for.

1. My God- If it waasn't for him then I would not have any of the things I have!
2. My family- My children are the light of my life. They are what wakes me up every morning. And what puts me to sleep at 3 am LOL...My husband is great although some days I would like to hurt him LOL. My parent are great now...When I was younger we didnt get along very well but now that I am grown I can honestly say I like having them around.
3. My friends- I dont have many since I havent been in school for some years now but there are a few that have stuck around and they are as great now as they were back then. We all have kids now ands great to still have things in common even if it is changing diapers and exchanging the newest sales that are out at walmart LOL.
4. My food and clothes...I couldnt live without it all
4. My new home-This is the first time I have been in my own place since I was 18. I love it!
5. All my material things-I have plenty and I am very greatful that at a few times during the year I am able to splurge and get a few things for myself.

Well there is a small list. I have to say out of all of that I would say my biggest thing I am thankful for is my Family...They are everything to me. They have made me the person I am today and I do not know what I would be or what I would be doing without them by my side.

Wordless Wednesday (Late)

Already a glitch in my system...

So yesterday I was supposed to post a Wordless Wednesday pic...I wasnt able to do this because as soon as my husband got home he was on the computer until after I went to bed...I will do a late Wordless Wednesday...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gardening time is here!!!

I love gardening...I feel old lol...I dont think I know another 24 year old woman that likes to garden lol...Most people my age are still partying and doing their daily thing...Not me...Im here gardening...LOL...But I love it so I dont care...I get to sit and relax and get the seeds planted and I get to take a few minutes out each day to relax and water the plants. My 3 year old loves the garden also. He likes the picking part. Even though most of the time he ends up picking the ones that arent ready LOL...This year I am doing roma tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, habanero peppers, jalapeno peppers, yellow squash, zucchini, sweet banana peppers, green bell peppers, and one other one that I cant remember right now. I think its lettuce? LOL. I am also doing a bunch of different flowers. Clarkia, daisy, zinnia, gladiolas, etc... There are a few others that I dont remember..Gardening seems to pu tme in a sort of relaxed mood. Until it is 100 degrees and time to pick the product lol...Im not good with heat LOL. I pray that this years garden comes out better than last years. Last year it didnt rain enough and my garden wasnt watered enough since it was at my grandmother-in-laws house she dont water her things too often. So needless to say I didnt get a good crop last year. This year it is at my own home and I can take care of it as it is needed. I cant wait for all the spaghetti sauce and salsa making and canning. Its time consuming but again relaxing...Well wish me luck with my garden this year...

Only 3 more days!!!

Well since my husband has to work and my parents are over an hour away we have made plans to do our Easter with my parents on Saturday...Only 3 more days!!! I think I may have bit off more than I can chew...My husband dont get paid until friday so I cant buy the ham and everything until then. So shopping all day friday!!! Then I still have to put together the baskets for the kids and eggs for the hunt...I need to make a shopping list although i have no idea what I am even making with the ham...Maybe potato salad and baked beans? IDK! I have to figure out if we will be attending church Sunday...Im guessing not since it starts at 6 am and we dont even get to bed until about 3 am. I need to figure out how I will get to my Mother in laws for Easter day...There is only one car here and my husband takes it to work...I also just got a phone call and was informed that my brother and his girlfriend will also be attending my dinner. Yay more people to worry about...Now if only my grand parents and aunts and uncles could attend also LOL...geez...I still have to clean up the house and get laundry finished...What a lovely next 3 days I will have!!!

My new blogging themes...

Ok so I am going to make this fun...or try LOL...I am going to make a new theme for each day of the week...Each day of the week I will come up with something new for my theme for that day. Here is my theme list:

Movie Mondays: Mondays I will pick a movie to watch that night. I will then do a review of that movie at the end of the night. This should be interresting since I have such an extensive taste in movies.

Tasty Tuesdays: I will make some sort of new snack up in my head and try it out and let you know what I think and if I will try it again. I will also ask for suggestions. I want to try to keep these somewhat unique such as Tuna fish rice salad...LOL...I dont know about that one but I was giving an example lol...

Wordless Wednesdays: I will post a picture of something I think can be summed up in the picture alone...No words needed...I think this one might be a little complicated but we will see how it turns out...

Thankful Thursday: I will post something new each Thursday I an thankful for and elaborate on it a little bit...Maybe throw in a few reasons as to why it is something I should be thankful for...

Flattering Friday: I will post one thing about myself that I found flattering that day. I will also have all my followers post one thing they find flattering about themselves...

Saving Saturdays: I will post a way that I saved money that day. I always shop on Saturdays.

Sleepy Sundays: I will post everything that I should have done on Sunday that didn't get done. Sunday is my worst day since Sundays are my Mondays because that is the beginning of the work week for my husband.

Ok so now you know my blogging theme schedule...So tomorrow I will do Wordless Wednesday...Since I have 2 kids Im sure it will be very easy to come up with a picture that doesnt need any words to describe whats going on...I am also going to come up with some sort of game or contest to start as soon as I get at least 5 followers. Tell your friends!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If you haven't got it...Get it!!!

I have a 5 month old son Julien who is not really attracted to the television set. However I thought I would take a look at those Baby Einstein movies on to see what they're about maybe he would be interrested in one of those...So I held him in my lap when I started to look...He was only about 3 months at this time...I found one and turned it on...He did not take his face from ths screen once...He laughed and cood the whole time...I borrowed one of the actualy movies from an aunt who has practically every one of them for her daughter...This one is Baby Beethoven...He LOVES it! I am going to invest in a few more of these...I tell you if I ever need to get something done and he asking for attention at the time I just pop in this movie and he is glued for the 20-25 minutes that the movie plays...Its amazing...I HIGHLY recommend these movies for your little one...They even make them for certain age groups...They are about 15$ at Walmart....I know that is pricey but they are well worth it!

A little ME time...

Well it seems as the days go bye and Dakota gets older he seems to get a little more independent and strong willed...Don't want to listen, talks back, etc...I need some time to get over the everyday stresses that come with having a 3 year old little boy. LOL...I have decided to start over with meditation...I will set aside 20 minutes each day and just sit in ralaxation mode and meditate..I will put on some very soft music for Dakota and Julien as well...Hopefully this will help with the stresses we all have...If you meditate or know anything about it please throw me a few tips as I am pretty knew to this and i can use the tips...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Have you switched your light bulbs?

Well now that we have our own place we are doing everything we can to save money and energy around the house...We have switched all the light bulbs in the house from the old regular ones to the new compact flourescent ones...They do cost a bit more to purchase but they save a ton on your bills...I am just saying if you havent already switched you should...From what I hear around the year 2011 they are going to make it mandatory to have these new bulbs and they will stop making the older ones...They are also coming out with new LED light bulbs like these as well...Happy Saving!!!

Shopping for the whole month or week-by-week?

Ok so we have been shopping for the whole month lately...i would say the passed 2 or 3 months since we have had our own place...I am wondering...Do you seem to save more money by shopping once for the whole month or by shopping week-by-week? We usually spend anywhere between $300-$350 in groceries when we shop for the whole month...I have a family of 3 plus a baby that eats baby food and a step son on the technically i guess that is 4 1/2...LOL...We are trying to do everything we can to not spend so much money on things. This includes groceries, gas, bills, etc...If you have any tips or ideas please drop a comment and let me know! Thanks!

Recipe of the week!!!

Ok so every week I will be posting a new recipe that I love making. It may be a dinner or a snack or a dessert....You never know...I may even do more than 1 each week...

Today's Recipe Of The Week...

Home-made Macaroni and Cheese:

1/2 lb elbow macaroni
2 c. cheddar cheese shredded
3 tblsp. flour
1 tblsp. canola oil (or vegetable oil)
2 tblsp. butter or marg.
1 3/4 c. milk
4 tblsp. sour cream
1 extra c. cheddar cheese
salt and pepper


pot to boil noodles
med. sauce pan
8x8 baking dish


1.) boil noodles
2.) set oven to 400 degrees
3.) in a med. sauce pan heat oil and butter/marg together until melted and mixed well
4.) slowly add flour while stirring
5.) let flour mixture cook for about 2 minutes while constantly stirring
6.) slowly stir the milk into the flour mix
7.) continue stirring the contents in the med sauce pan
8.) add 2 c. cheddar cheese when milk mixture starts to thicken
9.) when the cheese has melted and mixture is creamy you drain your noodles and add to mixture
10.) add 4 tblsp. of sour cream
11.)stir well making sure all ingrediants are mixed well
12.) season with plenty of salt and pepper to taste
13.) you can add a small amount of ceyenne pepper for a little zing
14.) add your noodle mixture to a 8x8 baking dish (you can also use a casserole dish or a 9x9 dish as well)
15.) top with the extra 1 c. cheddar cheese
16.) place in oven uncovered until cheese topping is well melted
17.) let stand for 5 minutes before serving
18.) ENJOY!!!

Child abuse..

Ok so I just read a news article about a man that shot and killed himself and his 5 children...Im thinking because his wife left him...At the end of the article it states that the neighbor had called child services several times in the past because of the fighting that went on in that house between the father and the children...Nothing was ever done...How sad is this...There are so many cases where child services are called and nothing is ever done about the case and then the next day, week, month , the child is beaten to death or in this case shot to death...If they would just do their job these things would not happen...All these shaken baby cases I see , the murderer only gets maybe 6 months prison time but yet if he kills a grown man he gets is this fair...that child had their whole life ahead of them and that man only had a few make me so mad to read these things...These child protection people need to seriously step up their game and investigate these cases more...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A poem for my boys!!!

My sweet boys, how I love you so.
Mommy is so proud of you both!
Your smiles, your handsome looks,
The way you both love me to read you books.
The way you get so messy when you eat.
The way you laugh when I tickle your little feet.
I love that I can still sit and hold your hand.
I love that I can call you both my lil' man.
You are both the light of my life.
As long as you are both here I will know no strife.
Mommy loves you both so very dear!
I couldn't ask for anything more than having you both here!

Mommy loves you Dakota and Julien!

Dedicated to Dakota and Julien
From: Mommy (Corrine White)

The mother who never rests...

Geez I don't know how people deal with having 3 and 4 little ones...I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old and I swear it feels like I never get any rest...It all starts with the night before...My 5 month old goes to sleep at about 11:30 every night...My 3 year about 2 am if I am lucky...I don't know what the problem is with him not wanting to go to sleep...Then the next day he wakes up at about 11:30-12...And I have tried and tried to ge him up earlier b ut he just will nto wake up...I have tried going to sleep and leaving him awake in his room with a movie but that turned into a disaster when I woke up and found him in his room with a glass full of milk and a whole pack of bologna with half of it eaten...LOL...During the day he is up and running around and now lately he has been outside so you would think he would be wore out...But nope...I just wish I had his energy...When it is time for me to wake up when the kids wake up I am still sooo tired...I am tired all day long....And since I do not get hardly any sleep at night then I am still tired the next day...It sucks...

It's my new thing...

I recently started making these baskets and selling them...They are so cute...They are covered in material with embellishments...You can contact me for prices and information if you are interrested...This one is one that I just did for a lady who is joining a breast cancer walk...She purchased these as a gift for someone...

I also decorate clothes pins...Here is a photo of those as well...I sell these as well...Again email me for prices and information...

Friday, April 3, 2009

This Easter...

I think I may have started a tradition for Easter...Every year so far I end up making my own Easter baskets instead of buying the premaid ones...This year they will be a wash-tub looking basket...Easter grass of course...A few pieces of candy...A few Easter eggs filled with candy...A container of bubbles for each kid...My 3 year old will have a T-Ball set and my 7 year old step son will have a soccerball...We dont go all out for Easter...Just a simple toy like that and a little candy in a basket...We usually try not to exceed $30 for each kid...Oh and the baby is getting a little bunny stuffed animal...We will also be doing a small Easter egg hunt for the boys...I might invite a few other small kids from the family to join in...So what do you usually do as far as Easter baskets?

How it all started...

Well this first post I will explain how my life as a house-wife came about...
To start, my mother was always a house-wife pretty much. She had like 2 small jobs for a few years...Maybe 3 years...and that was it as far as I remember...My father believes that the man of the family should do the working and the wife should stay home and relax and take care of kids and house work. I was raised on this. However, I was also raised to be independent in every other aspect of life...I will not let anyone tell me how to do things in life. I am the only one to run my life.
So me and my husband met in 2004 at a small party at his house. I went with his sister to meet him because she was trying to hook us up. So I finally gave in after about 1 or 2 months of saying no. So we go to the party and he was going through some very tough times with his baby's momma making false accusations and trying to get him in trouble with the law so that whole night he was drinking and sitting in his car with a few of his close friends and they were all whining and crying about his being accused of these things and they thought he was going away...blah blah me and him didnt really get a chance to talk until about an hour or so before i left...He finally got out of the car and talked to his sister and found out that I was there to meet him...So he came and sat by me by the fire and we started talking...Then I got bored and cold so I decided to go with his sister int he house...He came in also and we sat in her room and watched a movie...While we were sitting there talking he stopped in the middle of his sentence to tell me how beautiful my eyes were...I never had a guy give me sweet comments like that so I was immediately attracted...Usually guys I ever met were always cocky and like "yea youre hot" and things like that never a nice comment about my smile or my eyes and things like that so it was nice to hear...Well then a few minutes later we were watching the movie still and he slowly (and i mean very slowly) inched his hand closer to mine...i noticed he was doing it but i wanted to see if he would chicken out so i didnt move closer to him i just waited...well finally about 2 minutes later he finally grabbed my being the meanie that i am i laughed at him from that day we talked everyday for about 2 months until we finally started dating...
Now for the complicated part...At this time I had a boyfriend but it was nothing serious...So Brandon (my husband) would tell me everyday "why dont you drop that zero and get with this hero"...yes i know hes lame but it was finally me and the other broke up on good terms... A few days later me and Brandon started dating...I think the date was November 6th...So by now we already knew each other for about 3 months I think but dating now a few weeks...Well on November 23rd (only about 2 weeks later) he proposed to me...I knew I loved him from the day he held my hand so I said yes... Well I was staying with a friend and helping them out to watch her nephews everyday while the mom worked...well the girl got jealous of unknown things and decided to make things up about me and got me kicked out...I previously lived in Illinois with my parents as I was only 19 at the time...So this means I would have to go back to Illinois and leave Brandon here in Indiana...1 1/2 hours away...So without me know it he talked to his parents about me moving in there...Now since he was already going through a bunch of crap they didnt want to get him any more depressed so they okayed me moving in...Now we were staying in 2 seperate rooms...After about 1- 1 1/2 months we did the deed...Well his parents found out and told us we might as well just share bedrooms so we did...I foundout I was pregnant in April of 05...My son Dakota was born in December...
During the time I was pregnant we talked about what we do and how we would raise the baby and we both decided that he would work and I would stay home and do whatever there...He actually went out and got a new job the week he found out I was pregnant...He has had that job ever since...
We decided to wait until after I had the baby to get married...When Dakota was 13 months we were married...He walked down the isle and he was so adorable...My step son was the ring bearer...
In March of 08 we found out I was pregnant again with my 5 month old son Julien. He was born in October of 08...
I absolutely love my family....My kids are great and I dont know what I would do without them...They have helped me in so many ways...Since my first son I do not drink or smoke or even go out period for that matter...I have completely changed my life around for my kids...I am very proud of myself for that...
In February of this year (09) we got our own place...Things are much easier and we are so happy....I couldnt ask for more...

So that is how I became a house-wife and mother...
In March of 2008 we found out I was pregnant again with my 5 month old son Julien.