Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A little ME time...

Well it seems as the days go bye and Dakota gets older he seems to get a little more independent and strong willed...Don't want to listen, talks back, etc...I need some time to get over the everyday stresses that come with having a 3 year old little boy. LOL...I have decided to start over with meditation...I will set aside 20 minutes each day and just sit in ralaxation mode and meditate..I will put on some very soft music for Dakota and Julien as well...Hopefully this will help with the stresses we all have...If you meditate or know anything about it please throw me a few tips as I am pretty knew to this and i can use the tips...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the follow!! I wish I had some tips for you...all I can think is that you need to clear your mind. If you let your mind wander, you'll get all wrapped up in your thoughts and won't be able to relax. Although, I love to just sit and be quiet and think. To each their own!!

    Good luck!
