Saturday, April 11, 2009

So bummed...

I am so pissed and bummed...My husband is gonna be pretty much laid off come the month of June...For about 3 whole weeks...I dont know what we will do since we will not be able to get any money saved by then because my step sons birthday is may 5th and his school fees need to be paid off by May 15th. The the last check there will only be about $100 left over before June. I have been trying to get my baskets selling but for some reason they are not selling as well now as they were when I first started. My pins either for that matter...The good thing is our rent is paid up for the whole year but the rest of our bills arent...I really dont know what to do but i feel the depression slowly settling in...why me?


  1. I'm sure things will work out after awhile. Can he collect unemployment? You might just have to fall behind a bit, and cut back on just about everything to get by. My husband got laid off 13 months ago and hasn't been able to find a job, and we've managed to make it. Don't lose hope :)

  2. No he cant get unemployment because it is too short of a period...The main thing here is that we already live from paycheck to paycheck...Litterally...He gets paid on friday and we have a total of $7 to our name. There is nothing we can cut back on because we dont do anything. We have stopped going out to eat since we moved here and that is all we ever did...
