Sunday, April 5, 2009

Child abuse..

Ok so I just read a news article about a man that shot and killed himself and his 5 children...Im thinking because his wife left him...At the end of the article it states that the neighbor had called child services several times in the past because of the fighting that went on in that house between the father and the children...Nothing was ever done...How sad is this...There are so many cases where child services are called and nothing is ever done about the case and then the next day, week, month , the child is beaten to death or in this case shot to death...If they would just do their job these things would not happen...All these shaken baby cases I see , the murderer only gets maybe 6 months prison time but yet if he kills a grown man he gets is this fair...that child had their whole life ahead of them and that man only had a few make me so mad to read these things...These child protection people need to seriously step up their game and investigate these cases more...

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